Yojana Nidhi is a consultant for limited liability partnership company formation and provides comprehensive assistance to individuals or groups interested in establishing LLPs. Here’show We might offer Our services:

  • Initial Consultation: Yojana Nidhi starts by conducting an initial consultation with the clients to understand Our businesso bjectives,structure,andpreferences regarding LLP
  • Legal Structuring Advice: Based on the client’s requirements,YojanaNidhioffersadviceontheappropriate legalstructure for Our business,high lighting theadvantages and disadvantages of forming an LLP compared to other business structures like sole proprietorship, partnership, or private limited company.
  • NameReservation:YojanaNidhiassistsinselectingand reserving a unique name for the LLPas per the guidelines laid down by the Registrar of Companies (RoC). We ensure that the chosen name complies with the LLPAct and is available for registration.
  • Drafting LLPAgreement: Yojana Nidhi helps in drafting the LLP agreement, which outlines the rights, duties, and responsibilities of LLP partners, profit-sharing arrangements, decision-making processes, and other key aspects of the LLP’soperations.WeensurethattheLLPagreementislegally compliant and tailored to the specific needs of the business.
  • DocumentPreparationandFiling:YojanaNidhiassists in preparing and filing the necessary documents with the Registrar of Companies (RoC) for LLP registration. This includes preparing the LLP incorporation application, declaration, consent forms, and other required documents as per the LLP Act.
  • Compliance Assistance: Yojana Nidhi provides guidance on fulfilling the statutory compliance requirements for LLPs, including obtaining the LLP Identification Number (LLPIN),registering for PAN(PermanentAccountNumber)and TAN (Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number), and complying with annual filing obligations.
  • Registered Office Address: Yojana Nidhi assists in arranging a registered office address for the LLP, which is required for communication and legal purposes.We may offer virtual office services or help in finding a suitable physical location as per the client’s preferences.
  • Post-Incorporation Support: Yojana Nidhi offers ongoing support and advisory services to LLPs after incorporation. This may include assistance with changes in LLP structure, amendments to the LLP agreement ,compliance with regulatory changes,and resolving any legal or operational issues that may arise.

Yojana Nidhi serves as a trusted partner to individuals or groups looking to establish LLPs,providing end-to-end solutions and expert guidance throughout the LLP formation process. Our expertise ensures that clients can navigate the complexities of LLP formation smoothly and establish a strong foundation for Our business endeavours.

To Know more about Limited Liability Partnership, Schedule a consultation

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